Podcast: Dry Season Resources – Best Practice Soil Management with DPIRD
Episode two of the South-West WA Hub’s Dry Season Resources podcast with DPIRD’s Dr Stephen Davies on best practice soil management.
In episode two of the South-West WA Hub’s Dry Season Resources podcast series host Shannon Beattie interviews the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD’s) senior soils research scientist Dr Stephen Davies.
Through the conversation, they weigh the cost-benefit of soil amelioration in a dry season through evaporation, water demand, and other drought stress damage. Dr Davies shares his risk mitigation tips including shorter season crops, managing inputs, and chasing early moisture.
He also reinforces the complexities and compromises of agriculture, gives insights into learnings from trials conducted over this dry season and touches on the importance of break crops on ameliorated soils.
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Tagged amelioration, dpird, gga, management, podcast, soil sampling, soil testing, stephen davies