Soil Quality Knowledge Base

A new website to support farmers, researchers, advisors, and students in their understanding of soil science and management.

Explore, Understand, Manage

The Soil Quality Knowledge Base has been developed for farmers, agricultural industry professionals, policymakers, students and the community to provide free access to high quality, evidence-based information on current soil knowledge and soil management.

This website has been compiled utilising information from published scientific research, alongside the technical and specialist knowledge of decades of collective experience in understanding and managing soil.

SoilsWest would like to acknowledge in-kind support and resources supporting the Soil Quality Knowledge Base website from Murdoch University, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, and the South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub Regional Soil Coordinator project ‘Grant to assist the South West Western Australia Drought Resilience and Innovation Hub to carry out activities in line with the Smart Farms Soil extension round and support the National Soil Science body to deliver to Community of Practice’ funded by the Australian Government National Landcare Program: Building Landcare Community and Capacity: Soil Extension Activities 2022-2024.