Dig a little deeper
SoilsWest acts to identify and connect soil scientists and partnering organisations to a range of different skills, opportunities and capability for the delivery of more integrated soil research in Western Australia.
Improving connectivity from the lab to the farm gate
We aim to deliver highly valued, industry relevant research to agriculture by providing a hub for soil scientists and industry in Western Australia with a straightforward and unique philosophy. SoilsWest believes there is an opportunity to identify and connect scientists and partnering organisations to a range of different skills and capability for the delivery of more integrated soil research in Western Australia.
Empowering Greater capability for soil science
Collaborative research
We offer opportunities to bring together scientists, industry and farmers together to plan and build research and service delivery.
Spreading the word
We help extend the reach of your soil research to a wider audience of science users, future partners and policy makers.
Leading evidence-based science
We link to peer reviewed and evidence based science from independent research and education organisations.
Events and forums
We are able to help identify, develop and host relevant events in soil research that serve diverse audiences.
Growing your business or research with the knowledge you need
Our impact
Current projects
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soil resources
Explore our collection of journal articles, ebooks, fact sheets, graphics, website links and more.
Explore what's happening
SoilsWest’s AGGREGATE – NEWS & EVENTS hub has the latest and most exciting stories from the world of soil in Western Australia and beyond.
Job Opportunity: Regional Soil Coordinator (SW WA) – Closes 13 Dec 2024
The Regional Soil Coordinator will work as part of the SoilsWest team at Murdoch University to implement a strategic soil extension strategy to increase stakeholder engagement and capability in WA.
Agriculture students: Attend the first day of the GRDC Grains Research Update FREE
The free ebook Soil Quality: 10 Plant Nutrition is an interactive, evidence-based resource to better understand and manage crop and pasture nutrition.